A N N O U N C E M E N T !
for proposals to create a new work to be recorded and released by NYNME’s socially distant performers using home technology
Four (4) composers/creators
with NYNME to create a new work that is specifically written to be recorded remotely
NYNME will record, mix, master, and release each selected commission
American composers with an adventurous appetite for creating new audio/video work in a non-traditional performance setting as NYNME’s socially distant members remotely record select works.
Each of the four (4) selected composers will receive a $500 commissioning fee. While micro-works can be a few minutes long, there are no duration restrictions. All commissioned works will be remotely recorded and released by NYNME at no expense to the composer.
For more than 40 years, NYNME has proudly commissioned new music from composers/creators with whom we have developed long-term, meaningful relationships. We miss getting to do just that during this time of social distancing! To remain thoughtfully engaged with our core mission, NYNME has created a way to collaborate with each other, and with the composers who write the music we love to perform.
In addition to general household items, NYNME’s members can offer:..
DAN DRUCKMAN (PERCUSSION) currently located in New York, New York
Tech: Iphone 7, Ipad pro 2nd generation, Macbook pro
Audio: Blue Yeti external usb mic
Instruments: many percussion instruments- please ask
Other: NYC urban wonderland
EMI FERGUSON (FLUTE) currently located in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
Tech: iphone Xs, iPad pro 1st generation, MacBook pro
Audio: R88 microphone, apogee Duet 2 interface
Instruments: Flutes: C Flute, piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, baroque flute (415), french baroque flute (392), classical flute (430). Other: Piano, Melodica (very bad at both)
Other: dog barks, sounds of waves, chainsaw, power-washer
CHRIS FINCKEL (VIOLONCELLO) currently located in Yonkers, New York
Tech: 2015 Mac Book Air Iphone 8
Audio: Nakamichi CM 100 mics, M Audio MobilePre USB
Instruments: 3 Cellos (available for scordatura or other preparation?)
STEVE GOSLING (PIANO) currently located in Germantown, New York
Tech: 2015 Mac Book Pro, iphone 6s
Audio: Shure sm 58 dynamic microphone
Instruments: piano, 4-octave midi keyboard
EDUARDO LEANDRO (CONDUCTOR) currently located in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Tech: Canon 90D dslr, Canon 60D, Canon Vixia 4K camcorder
Audio: 4 condenser mics, RME UFX interface, Bricasti reverb
Instruments: 5 octave marimba, midi controllers
Other: lots of nature around PA, including black bears
Composers must identify as American Citizens - either born or naturalized in the U.S.
Composers must be available to work within the proposed timeline
Composers must have an internet connection that supports working remotely with NYNME’s team
Preference may be given to projects that utilize all 5 NYNME performers and stay within the items/instruments offered
We highly encourage applications from:
Composers who have not worked with NYNME in the past
Lesser known composers who have not yet received significant recognition
Applicants from populations under-represented in the music composition world
Commissioning funds will be paid out: 50% upon signing of commission contract (mid June), with the remaining 50% upon completion of the work’s recording (mid August).
June 5, 2020 Proposal deadline
June 12, 2020 Announcement of commissionees
June 12 - July 31, 2020 Composition creation/workshop/collaboration
August 1 - August 31, 2020 Record
September 1, 2020 Post production
October 1, 2020 Recordings Released
Please send a one-page maximum commission proposal to nynmecommissions@gmail.com with the subject:
[Name] Micro-Commission Proposal that includes the following:
Contact Information, isolation location and institutional affiliation, if any
Project description (including proposed timing of piece)
What instruments/materials do you intend to write for
How you intend for your proposal to be recorded remotely
Short bio - tell us about you!
Samples of your previous work if available (audio, video, pdf, other, all accepted).
Please try to send as links, not email attachments.
Applicants should prioritize work that relates to your ability to respond to this particular proposal call.
Proof of American citizenship in the form of U.S. birth certificate, U.S. passport, Board of Elections registration card, green card, or other valid USCIS document [NOT driver's licenses or Social Security card]
Anything else you’d like us to know about you/your proposal.
Canon 90D DSLR, Canon 60D, Canon Vixia 4K camcorder are the best ones for shooting any kind of video. If you want any camera and its accessories then visit this site. They have detailed articles on every category of cameras.